Being an obese person and want to get ride of so feel free to read because you are on the right place at the time.there are several ways and some exercises which can help, but the simple method is to low the portion in your daily desserts. take lowcarb diet, take fats and protien and awholesome amount of vegetable and fruits.
Here i mentioned some foods i think fats. fat is as necessary as water. Without fat your diet is not balanced. the best fat for you is animal fat.many will be not agreed with me but the fact is that. fat is fat.there is a pashto term SPOR KHOR IT means that a person who doe snot eat fat and oily things and becomes a carb loving person,BY Doing this his immunity system totally fails.when he gets ill he does not recover soon.thus he eats more and more and he enters more calories.So the additional calories convert into fats and the disaster starts, a SPOR KHOR could eat a horse in one sitting because of hungernes
briefly,if you want to lose weight cut simple carb and take a little bit of complex carb, protien and a handsome amount of FATS FATS FATS. IT doesnot clog your arteries and vessels the only thing that clogs arteries and vessels is SIMPLE CARB CARB CARB.The doctors just beat about the bushes.they donot know about the diet.
if you are an obese person and your weight is more than 100 kg. first of all go on water fastimg for a month then leave simple and complex carb both just serve fat and raw vegetable and when you feel better then write a short coment because this is the fee.